Dinner with University of Dayton President Eric Spina, NASA Astronaut, and fellow NASA student alumni, 2020

During the summer before my Freshman Year of college, I worked as a student painter for the Toy Heritage Mural in downtown Cincinnati, OH
Cincinnati Artworks Mural Painter

Toy Heritage Mural, 2016
During my first year of study, I brought themes of future technologies and space exploration into my projects
Freshman Year

Freshman Year Projects, 2016-2017

Entering my sophomore year, I successfully produced graphics during my first internship experience at RDI Corporation in Cincinnati
RDI Graphic Design Internship
RDI Corporation Projects, 2017
I worked as a part-time graphic design student for the University of Dayton's Virtual Learning Community vlcff.udayton.edu throughout my Sophomore and Junior Year
Sophomore Year

Sophomore Year Projects, 2017-2018

I produced graphics and motion media for an advertising and business counseling company in Cincinnati
Epic International Advertising Internship
Epic International Projects, 2018
I was working to earn a second minor in Environmental Sustainability and acquire my class credits on a study abroad trip to Peru when I instead received an opportunity to intern at NASA in the summer of 2019
Junior Year

Junior Year Projects, 2018-2019

My project title was "Advanced Conceptual Spacecraft Mission Artist Intern"
NASA Artist Internship
NASA Glenn Research Center Projects, 2019
Senior Year Projects, 2019-2020

With NASA under my belt, I decided to focus my final year of research on future mediums of design, such as virtual and augmented reality, Cinema4D design, and artificial intelligence, and gather my interest in themes of space exploration and advanced human research.
Senior Year

While completing my bachelor's degree online, I accepted an offer to work as a Graphic Designer for the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO
(Virtual) College Graduation